Om meg

Bildet mitt
"Norge er ett fritt land, befolket av ufrie mennesker."



til mitt eget Eventyr.

onsdag 4. desember 2013

Unconditional Attractions

If I was brave, I would've kissed you.
Felt your lips to mine, without any warning. 

If I was brave, I would tell you what I see when I look at you. 
I would tell about every signals I feel in my body, when you are near.

If I was brave, I would told you how long I've been attracted to you.
I would tell you that you make me lose control. 

If I ever get brave enough.. 

tirsdag 29. oktober 2013

I pray.

I pray for understanding and faith,
I pray for passion and strength .

I pray for trust and healing,
I pray for all the feelings.

I pray for all the positive thoughts, 
I pray to let go of all that's not. 

I pray for the hearts to believe,
I pray that one day it all will be relief. 

I pray for passion and happiness,
I pray that none of us will ever feel loneliness.

I pray for accept and light,
I pray for the souls to let go of the hurting fight. 

I pray for the release and surrender
I pray that it won't matter which gender. 

Close your eyes and feel the trust. 

mandag 28. oktober 2013

I let go of things I can't controll.

My heart is shaking I can't breathe, so I surrender and release.
My ego is gone, only my heart that's speaking, something I can't controll.
It's frightening to surrender, but feelings don't give me many other choice..

søndag 6. oktober 2013

Touch my soul.

The autumn has come 
the wind is getting colder 
and is the winters son.

My house is my carpet
I'm not listening to my loneliness.
I'm living my life,
and maybe the future will bring me a wife.

The ego want me down
I surrender myself to my soul.
I open up myself and let people in, 
This is where I have to begin.

People come and people go,
What's hurting me is not what I want. 
My love is getting bigger, and so much to give
I'll find one woman, where I want to live. 

My music touches my soul
where the grieving feelings controls my tears.
I will survive and getting stronger
I'll not be closed no longer.

Share your smile and share you laughter
maybe we will be happy ever after. 

The new door to freedom, dear friend.

Since I gave it all
Told my feelings and shared my thoughts
I'll not be the one who's hurting and feel lost
Its your fear of disappointment and not my loss! 

torsdag 26. september 2013

Begjærets positive kraft.


Hva ville du opplevd om du la deg bli styrt av ditt begjær? 

Kjærlighet i sin helhet.

Definisjonen av kjærlighet er individuelt.

Kjærligheten er, med ingen tvil, en del av humaniniteten.

Er vi skapt for å være alene? 

Er kjærligheten en kraft vi kan bruke til å drepe all hat? 

Kjærlighet har blitt "det sårbare" av menneskets ego. 

Er din kjærlighet irrasjonell?

Å overtenke, er kunsten til den mentale frykten. 

Den rene og totale kjærligheten, hva er det i den som skremmer oss? 

- ... Og hvorfor lar vi oss selv frykte den? 

onsdag 28. august 2013

La irresistible

She's going home, with her red dress on.
She found her way, but it's hard to say.

With hope, she died.

søndag 11. august 2013


Lay your head down and fight the fear. Leave your pride and feel yourself as fearless. Set your soul free and fly away with you dreams. Teach yourself the power of peace. Live your dream and love that you do. Send your love to the world in your heart. Find the love of your life and surrender yourself to the destiny.
Live in peace!

torsdag 4. juli 2013


Nobody knows your attractions, the sexual attraction.
The uncontrollable connection between two souls.
You make your self unable to connect, that's your fear. 

Your heart is singing in another
direction of what you are used to.
Your days is just the same everyday, 
even if your dreams still flying. 
You get caught in moments you'll never forget, 
but too scared to ever get caught again. 

If you lived in the moment, 
not thinking tomorrow. 
Would you stay here? 

søndag 23. juni 2013


Mystisk, men udefinerbar.
Sjenert på sitt mest høylytte.
Ensom og aldri alene.
Rastløs med dårlig tid.
Opptatt med ingenting.

Hun er ensom, vakker, sexy og sjarmerende.

mandag 17. juni 2013

En Mening

...Well, I looked my demons in the eyes
Laid bare my chest, said "Do your best, destroy me 

You see, I've been to hell and back so many times
I must admit you kind of bore me"

There's a lot of things that can kill a man
There's a lot of ways to die
Listen, some already did that walked beside me

There's a lot of things I don't understand
Why so many people lie
It's their hurt I hide that fuels the fire inside me..

-Ray LaMontagne-

søndag 2. juni 2013

Easier in the dark with your eyes closed

Is it easier to touch you in the dark?
Would you let me kiss you if you close your eyes? 
If you where standing in the dark room with your eyes closed, would you like to feel me? 

onsdag 29. mai 2013

Waking up

You are waking up in your old bed, in your new you. 
Will you return to the safe old you? 
Does it all the new in you change your old home?

What does the memory mean to you, is there an old flame who returns to your spirit? 
What does all the words and thoughts from the world outside prove to you?

Can you be sure that the good life begins and be happy? 
Do you dare to face the dark side of you soul and kill everything that makes you unhappy? 

I can be sure that the good life flies within you.

Share your freedom, don't loose it. 

tirsdag 28. mai 2013

onsdag 15. mai 2013


Jeg ligger like stille som det krystallklare vannet, på overflaten. 
Min kropp er stille, bare mitt hjerte lager bevegelse i vannet, på oveflaten. 
Jeg ser himmelen er blå og solen viser frem den vakre naturen fra der jeg flyter, på overflaten. 
Selv så stille som jeg ligger, føler jeg min egen eksistens fra overflaten.
Jeg flyter på min egen kropp i vannet, ved overflaten. 

Jeg ser land men kan ikke svømme, så jeg flyter på dette stille vannet... 

på overflaten. 

onsdag 1. mai 2013

Er Av Og Til Nok?

Hvor leter du når det som burde være der, er borte? 
Hva erstatter du med din illusjon om det perfekte? 
Hva søker du i dem som ikke kan gi? 

Hvem ser du, når du blir oversett? 
Hjertet er kaldt, hvor finner du varmen? 
Hvor flykter du? 

Er av og til nok for deg? 

søndag 24. februar 2013

Kiss my name

Living in the illusion
Breathing though the dreams of understanding
Touch my skin with the fantasy of life
See the words I don't tell
Feel everything I don't
Hear my love 
Hold me trough the storm
Be your own queen
Watch me standing waiting 

I'm not waiting
You are kissing my name

mandag 18. februar 2013

Bare se men ikke røre..

Bare se men ikke røre 
Bare drømme, aldri føle.

Så detaljert som det kan være
Vektløs og ingenting å lære.

I sin eksistens hun lever
Uten lys hun svever.

Hun står der vakker med sine former
Uten noen normer.

Hun er trofast og er alltid der
Men hennes fantasier er uforståelig nær.

mandag 11. februar 2013

Strö lite socker på mig.

The faith I have in my believes
The rhythm I have from my heart
The wisdom I have in my soul
And the knowledge I have from my past

Down on my knees I fall
I look up to all the million stars
I feel my shaking hands
When I ask them about all these inner wars

They are shining bright
And smiling at me
Angels are here
In the universe you see

My body is naked
And so cold
Suddenly cover in blanket
From the angels wings of gold