Om meg

Bildet mitt
"Norge er ett fritt land, befolket av ufrie mennesker."



til mitt eget Eventyr.

tirsdag 29. oktober 2013

I pray.

I pray for understanding and faith,
I pray for passion and strength .

I pray for trust and healing,
I pray for all the feelings.

I pray for all the positive thoughts, 
I pray to let go of all that's not. 

I pray for the hearts to believe,
I pray that one day it all will be relief. 

I pray for passion and happiness,
I pray that none of us will ever feel loneliness.

I pray for accept and light,
I pray for the souls to let go of the hurting fight. 

I pray for the release and surrender
I pray that it won't matter which gender. 

Close your eyes and feel the trust. 

mandag 28. oktober 2013

I let go of things I can't controll.

My heart is shaking I can't breathe, so I surrender and release.
My ego is gone, only my heart that's speaking, something I can't controll.
It's frightening to surrender, but feelings don't give me many other choice..

søndag 6. oktober 2013

Touch my soul.

The autumn has come 
the wind is getting colder 
and is the winters son.

My house is my carpet
I'm not listening to my loneliness.
I'm living my life,
and maybe the future will bring me a wife.

The ego want me down
I surrender myself to my soul.
I open up myself and let people in, 
This is where I have to begin.

People come and people go,
What's hurting me is not what I want. 
My love is getting bigger, and so much to give
I'll find one woman, where I want to live. 

My music touches my soul
where the grieving feelings controls my tears.
I will survive and getting stronger
I'll not be closed no longer.

Share your smile and share you laughter
maybe we will be happy ever after. 

The new door to freedom, dear friend.

Since I gave it all
Told my feelings and shared my thoughts
I'll not be the one who's hurting and feel lost
Its your fear of disappointment and not my loss!