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"Norge er ett fritt land, befolket av ufrie mennesker."



til mitt eget Eventyr.

tirsdag 1. mars 2016

Quiet Letter

The fear of the unknown grab your face down in the black golden hole.
Unreal thoughts shimmering in the surface where you don't exists.
Hopelessness craving your soul while you're smiling to the world.
My heartbeats crying for peace.
Red eyes from salt water that human calls tears.
Blood in my veins, I'm actually not sure what to do with it.
Two legs that I feel never hitting the ground.
I listening with my ears, confusing enough.
All my thoughts compromise fighting my hearts sense of purpose of life, yet I don't understand.
I'm flying away in the never ending sky, away from cruelties in this world.
Sometimes life shows me the hard way of living, but that's OK.
I'll find my way of life, and keep searching for happiness and peace at heart.

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